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Committee for the Defense of Legitimate Rights
1. The distortion of Islam's image. Islam has been associated in the minds of many people with the violations of human rights in Saudi Arabia, and with the Saudi regime's attempt to justify or legitimise various forms of oppression and despotic procedures.
2. The ignorance of many people in Saudi Arabia of their rights and responsibilities. There is a general lack of awareness that many rights of individuals, groups and society have been confiscated or denied.
3. The horrific increase in the acts of oppression and repression undertaken by the regime against individuals and society in recent years.
4. The absence of any independent control over the regime. All institutions of society and state have succumbed completely to the hegemony of the ruling family, which prohibits all forms of association and co-operation and confiscates the freedom of citizens to set up private organisations.
5. The absolute control of all the mass media by the state and the prohibition of any independent effort in this field.
1. To elucidate and assert the concept of human rights in Islam and eliminate the distortions created by the Saudi regime's erroneous practices and severe abuses and massive violations of human rights.
2. To educate the public in Saudi Arabia of their Islamic human rights and to combat the influence of deep-rooted misconceptions that accumulated over the years due to ignorance and oppression.
3. To endeavour to restore the right of the people to supervise and check the performance of the government.
4 To endeavour to remove injustices and to restore the rights of those oppressed by the regime and/or any of its institutions.
5. To endeavour to reform, standardise and bolster the judiciary so as to regain its independence and its power to eliminate oppression and establish justice.
1. C0-operate and co-ordinate with local, regional and international human rights organisations and exchange information and expertise with them.
2. Lobby pressure groups regionally and internationally and involve them actively in the effort to improve the human rights situation in Saudi Arabia.
3. Issue statements and publications for the purpose of educating and alerting the public opinion of the human rights situation in the Kingdom and of the SDLR position.
4. Co-operate with the mass media in order to communicate with the general public.
5. Organise and participate in symposia and conferences that discuss issues pertaining to the concept of human rights in Islam and the current situation in Saudi Arabia.
6. Establish a welfare fund to support detainees, those dismissed from their jobs and their families.
1. The CDLR is an independent organisation and concerns itself with the situation in Saudi Arabia.
2. The CDLR observes the Islamic code of ethics and values in its activities and complies fully with the guidelines set up by the Qur'an and the Sunnah.
3. The CDLR is willing to co-operate with all institutions that seek through legitimated means to eliminate oppression and establish justice.
4. The CDLR abides by the method of peaceful and constructive criticism and dissociates itself from all and any attempt to effect reform by force.
5. The CDLR adopts the comprehensive concept of human rights which includes the rights of individuals, groups and society, and undertakes to defend them all.
The Palestine Information Center is finally back. At the moment, PIC offers the same information it had before it went down last year. We added new sections and functionalities and updated information will be added in the future
We kindly ask you to contribute material. For suggestions, comments and more information contact us at webmaster@alquds.org.
University of Toronto
Iraq Action Coalition
The Iraq Action Coalition (IAC) is an independent grassroots coalition dedicated to ending the war on the people of Iraq. IAC provides information and analysis on the devastating effects of the continuing war (sanctions). IAC was formed as a response to the war's lethal destruction of Iraq -- the people and the land. The Coalition supports an unconditional and immediate lifting of the illegitimate blockade on the people of Iraq.
(IAC is not affiliated with any government, political party, or religious institution.)
Radio Islam
Radio Islam is working to promote increased and better relations between the West and the Muslim World.
Radio Islam is against racisms of all kinds and forms, against all kinds of discrimination of people based on their colour of skin, faith or ethnical bakground. Consequently, Radio Islam is against Jewish racism towards non-Jews.
The World Jewish Zionism, today, constitutes the last racist ideology still surviving and the Zionist's state of Israel, the last outpost of "Apartheid" in the World.
Israel constitutes by its mere existence a complete defiance to all international laws, rules and principles, and the open racism manifested in the Jewish State is a violation of all ethics and morals known to Man.
Radio Islam wird betrieben von Ahmad Rami:
"Ahmed Rami, Europa-Korrespondent von ALSHAAB, ist ein islamistischer Kämpfer marokkanischer Herkunft. Sein Lebensweg ist in vielem typisch für seine Generation. Er wurde der Mittäterschaft am gescheiterten Putsch im Juli 1971 gegen Hassan II beschuldigt. Damals war Rami Offizier der marokkanischen Armee. Er wurde zum Tode verurteilt, konnte jedoch ins Ausland flüchten. Er gehört zu den Bewunderern Ägyptens und Nassers. Rami lebt heute nicht nur in Schweden. sondern er ist mittlerweile schwedischer Staatsbürger geworden. Er hat in seiner neuen Heimat den Radiosender Radio Islam gegründet.
Ahmed Rami sieht im Islam die Möglichkeit zur Einigung der arabischen Nation. Seine Hochachtung gilt auch heute noch der Nasser-Epoche. Bei aller Leidenschaft für die vergangenheit ist sein Blick jedoch in die Zukunft gerichtet. Die Zukunft gehört nacb seiner Auffassung der islamischen Bewegung und er identifiziert sich mit den Ansicht-en der islamischen Aktionspartei Ägyptens. Er ist ab jetzt für unsere Zeitung als Europa-Korrespondent tätig. Wir nehmen ihn mit Freude in die Reihen der Mitarbeiter von ALSHAAB auf.
Ahmed Rami leistet in Schweden Außergewöhnliches. Fast als einziger kämpft er dort gegen die zionistische Infiltration. Rami betreibt seinen Radiosender Radio-Islam (der Sender ist aus finanziellen Gründen vorübergehend inaktiv) von seiner 20 qm großen Wohnung aus. Eine größere Wohnung will er nicht mieten. weil er an seine Rückkehr nach Marokko oder in einen anderen Teil seines arabischen Vaterlandes denkt.
Aus seiner Feder stammen vier umfangreiche, die Zionisten demaskierende Bücher in schwedischer Sprache. Schwedische Christen haben deren Druck finanziert! In Schweden kennt jedermann Ahmed Rami. Seine politischen Ansichten werden im Parlament und bisweilen von der schwedischen Regierung erörtert. Allerdings ist es den jüdischen Organisationen gelungen, ihn wegen eines sogenannten Antisemitismus anzuklagen und ihn für sechs Monate ins Gefängnis zu bringen. Während seines Gefängnisaufenthaltes organisierte er die Sendungen von Radio-Islam von der Gefängniszelle aus.
Das Gefängnis verließ er als ungebeugter antizionistischer Widerstandskämpfer. Als Korrespondent von ALSHAAB führt er nun den Kampf auf anderer Ebene weiter. Gott segne und schütze ihn sowie alle Menschen seinesgleichen zum Wohle unserer Nation!
Middle East Forum
Email: slasser@sas.upenn.edu
Committee On The Middle East (COME)
Council for National Interest(CNI)
Justice in the Middle East

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