Arabische Vernetzung

Initiativen & Organisationen - ISP & IT-Dienste - Verzeichnisse

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Initiativen & Organisationen:
With the increase of Internet Providers in the Arab World, we are begining to witness a crackdown on sites that is nothing less than censorship. The power of the new medium lies in its promise of "Freedom of Expression and Thought". Our organization would aim to fight censorship and question its motives, while encouraging traditional media (TV, Print..) to raise the issue.
Internet access in the Arab world is still quite limited to the affluent classes and those in power. Cyber Arabs would work towards educating and promoting the internet as a new INTERACTIVE medium. Its uses, potential, and development.
Cyber Arabs will work on promoting the internet as an effective marketing and business tool to reach the Arab markets. As a digital society, we will gather information on internet usage, demographics, and other data helpful to promoting your site as a potential marketing vehicle.
Arab Computer Professionals Network
Islamic Computing Centre
mit Sitz in London
ArabLink Information Technology
Arabnet (A Sharq al-Awsat Service)
Cafe Arabica
MidEast Net
Monde Information Systems

ISP & IT-Dienste:

Interplanet Cafe
Ave de la Victoire
Rabat, Morocco
Access Middle East
Regional Information Technology and Software Engineering Center (RITSEC, Egypt)
Internet World Magazine (Arabic Edition)


Middle East Internet Directory
(Arabnet), a listing of companies trading in the Gulf.
Access To Arabia
al-Mashriq - The Levant Cultural Multimedia Server
Arab World and Islamic Resources (AWAIR)
Arab World Online - The Source for Information on the Arab World
MSANEWS Albab Gateway

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