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All Iraqi Information and Events Page

Staatliche Institutionen

Permanent Mission of Iraq to the United Nations
Ambassador Nizar Hamdoon, the latest Speeches by President Saddam Hussein, Latest news, Press Releases, Basic facts on Iraq, Historical Iraq, Iraq in Poetry, Map of Iraq, Related Links; E-Mail:
President Saddam Hussein's Home Page

Politische Kräfte

Islamic Party of Iraq
Dar as-Salam
Kurdistan Democratic Party - Iraq, KDP
Patriotic Union of Kurdistan
PUK - Press Releases


Iraq Action Coalition
The Iraq Action Coalition (IAC) is an independent grassroots coalition dedicated to ending the war on the people of Iraq. IAC provides information and analysis on the devastating effects of the continuing war (sanctions). IAC was formed as a response to the war's lethal destruction of Iraq -- the people and the land. The Coalition supports an unconditional and immediate lifting of the illegitimate blockade on the people of Iraq.
(IAC is not affiliated with any government, political party, or religious institution.)
Iraq Foundation
The Iraq Foundation is a non-profit, non-governmental organization working for democracy and human rights in Iraq, and for a better international understanding of Iraq's potential as a contributor to political stability and economic progress in the Middle East.


Nineveh On-line Assyria On-line

Über Irak


Private Sites


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